Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with testosterone pellets is a natural alternative to the other nasty synthetic hormone replacement therapies out there. Dealing with the symptoms of low testosterone like fatigue, low libido, hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain or brain fog can be extremely taxing. With bio-identical hormones, the structure of the hormone – testosterone, estrogen, or both – is matched to the individual patient’s needs. Bio-identical hormones are natural, plant- based substances that metabolize in our bodies the way nature intended.*

Synthetic hormones are mass-produced and artificially formulated in a lab. Artificial hormones are intentionally manufactured to be slightly different than natural human hormones, so the manufacturer can patent the formulation. Consequently, synthetic hormones may not provide a good fit or optimum outcome for the human body like bio-identical hormones do.

As we age, our hormones naturally decline over time. Around age 35 men experience a gradual decline in testosterone, by about 2-10% each year. For women, pre-menopause may start as early as in the 30s! In fact, hormone imbalances kick in long before hot flashes do – by 10 to 15 years!

Regain Vitality With Testosterone Hormone Replacement*

The content on this has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Gentiana Bakaj, MD

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