mesotherapy for double chin

Mesotherapy is a nonsurgical cosmetic solution aimed at diminishing fat on the problem areas of your body. Dr. Bakaj can use mesotherapy treatments to help reduce fat in particular areas of your body which are not improved with diet or exercise. This type of procedure is much less invasive than liposuction and is also less expensive. The ingredient used in mesotherapy treatments is PC/DC phosphatidylcholine/sodium deoxycholate, (Not FDA approved).

Dr. Bakaj will advise on the number of injections and appointments required to achieve the desired results. Mesotherapy can help in the following areas:

  • double chin
  • jowl
  • arms
  • inner and outer thighs
  • flanks
  • abdomen
  • back
  • particular areas where exercise doesn’t help

How is mesotherapy administered?

During a session an application of numbing cream may or may not be applied to the treatment area. The technique uses a very fine needle to deliver injections into the fat layers of the skin to help break up the fat cells.

Call our office at 361-894-6094 to schedule your appointment.

The charge for a consultation is $150 which will be applied to the cost of your treatment.